Please Contact us to see if there is space available before filling out the form, and for where to drop form off:
As of October 2016 only Monday advanced classes have room!
CIT applications welcome.
Please Contact us to see if there is space available before filling out the form, and for where to drop form off:
As of October 2016 only Monday advanced classes have room!
CIT applications welcome.
Please Contact us to see if there is space available before filling out the form, and for where to drop form off:
As of October 2016 only Monday advanced classes have room!
CIT applications welcome.


The Nipawin Centre for Gymnastics and Athletic Development ltd.
Classes Started in the New Facility!
400 Block of 10th Ave. West in Nipawin, it is over 6000 square feet dedicated to gymnastics and athletics!
The owners are our coaches, Doug and Amber Gudnason. This gives the Gymnastics Club a permanent Home.
Interested in getting your name on the walls?
Contact 306-769-7224 to see how you can help.

Register on
Questions Please contact us
Coaches in Training (CIT)
A strong committed coaching staff means a strong sustainable gymnastics program. It is one of our goals to help train and develop coaches. We are looking for 13-15 year olds to enter our CIT program.
Anyone can apply; Gymnastics experience is an asset by not a nescessity. Being committed is a necessity.
In this program, you will work under the guidance and supervision of our head coaches, helping our younger groups to stay focused and in the prosess gain experience. When a CIT turns 15 they can take the Gymnastics Foundations course. When complete they can become one of NTGCs paid coaches.
This can go on your resume and can also be the entery into an exciting courier in Gymnastics Coaching!
Fill out the aplication and Apply Today!

As with any equipement, eventually it needs to be replaced. We are mindful of having quality equipement so that our high standard of safety is upheld.
We also want to grow the club and that means purchasing some other apparatuses such as: a tumle track, competition grade parallel bars, and adjustable vault, a men's high bar, etc.
Contact us for more information